24/30 Diary

Today is a working day.
My office is 3 minutes by car
I had a headache.
I wanted to go to the hospital
but reception says you only go there after 2 weeks.
I think the USA hospital had more bed more then the one in Korea.

오늘은 회사를 가는날이다.
회사는 차로 3분 거리에 있다.
아침부터 두통이 있었지만 참고 일을 했다.
점심때 매주 운동을 하지만 오늘은 머리가 아퍼서 하지 못했다.
병원을 예약했는데 2주후에 오라고 했다.
미국의 병원은 한국에 비해 불편하다.

My first Dairy

Today is a working day.
My office is 3 minutes by car
I had a headache. but i put up with that.
I had a reservation the hospital but
reception say you can came here after 2 weeks.
I think USA hospital is too bed more then Korea.