2/30 Diary

I looked back at myself.
I feel like I'm not moving forward.
I don't have a specific goal or a dream to chase these days.
I am too afraid to fail.

Recently, I got a chance to see a youtube video named "Time that changes the world."
The lecturer had the same thoughts as me.
However, she changed her life by being more bold about what she wanted to do with her life and now she's successful.
Her life story gave me some courage.

오늘 나는 정체되어 있는 내 자신을 되 돌아 보았다.  
나는 요즘 꿈과 명확한 목표를 가지고 있지 않다.  
왜냐하면 실패가 두려워서 였다.

세상을 바꾸는 시간이라는 유튜브 동영상을 우연히 보게되었다.  
강연을 하고 있는 그녀도 나와 같았었다.  
하지만 "쫄지마 질러봐 될꺼야" 라는 인생의 모토로 성공적인 인생을 살고 있다.  
나는 그녀의 스토리를 들으면서 많은 용기를 얻었다.

아는분께 검수를 받았다.

"문장이 너무 길면 표현이 어려워지니까 잘라서 쓰시는 게 좋아요"

This is the original version that I wrote.

Today I looked back at my own being that is congestion.  
These days I do not have a clear goal and a dream.  
Because i was afraid to fail.  

Accidentally I saw a YouTube video of time to change the world.  
She was also felt that the lecture me.  
But living a successful life with a motto of life called  
"Don't be a chicken."  
"Just try it."  
"You can do it"  
I got a lot of courage to listen to her story.