[Diary] 01/12/2019

When I came to the USA, I was worried about not being able to get Korean food but I didn't have to. If you go to the Korean market, you can buy almost everything sold in Korea. But the price is twice as expensive, so you can't buy without money! Nevertheless, I had Kimchi dumplings today and it was nice.

Before calibration:

When I came to the USA, I was worried about if I couldn't get Korean food but I didn't have to.If you go to the Korean market, you can buy almost everything sold in Korea.But the price is twice as expensive, so you can't buy without money!Nevertheless, I had a Kimchi dumpling today and it was nice.

처음에 미국왔을때 한국음식을 못먹으면 어쩌나 걱정했었는데 그럴 필요가 없었다.
한인마트에 가면 한국에서 파는 거의 모든 것들을 살 수 있다.
하지만 가격이 두배정도 비싸서 돈이 없으면 사먹을 수가 없다는 사실!!
가격이 비쌈에도 불구하고 나는 오늘 김치만두를 사서 먹었는데 너무 맛있었다.