While surfing the internet, I became interested in a book called "The Magic of Three Lines Loved by the God of Money" by chance
. I think it helps me to
write three lines diary every day. so I got this book and the content was good.
There were three points to make life rich as follow.
I see myself and my feelings as they are.
I feel what I really want.
I decide the world I want by myself.
Before calibaration:
While surfing the internet by chance, I became interested in a book called "The Magic of Three Lines Loved by the God of Money". I think it helps me who I write three lines diary every day. so I got this book and the content was good. The point that makes life rich and rich in notes is three lines as follows.
I see myself and my feelings as they are.
I feel what I really want.
I decide the world I want by myself.
우연히 웹서핑을 하다가 '돈의 신에게 사랑받는 3줄의 마법'라는 책에 관심이 가게 되었다.
요즘 3줄일기를 매일 쓰고 있는 나에게 도움이 될것같아서 이 책을 구입하게 되었는데 내용이 너무 좋았다.
노트로 인생을 풍요롭고 부유하게 만드는 포인트는 다음과 같이 3줄 이라고 한다.
> 지금의 나와 지금의 내 감정을 있는 그대로 직시한다.
> 진짜 내가 바라는 것이 무엇인지를 느낀다.
> 원하는 세계를 스스로 정한다.
- 우연히 : by chance
- 우연히 발견하다 :
Stumble upon / come across
I was on my way home, when I stumbled upon a new restaurant.
The other day I was shopping when I came across a great nail shop.