[Diary] 01/19/2019
It snowed a lot in Chicago today so
I went outside with gloves to make a snowman. I tried making a ball
of snow to make a snowman, but it didn't work well. The reason is the snow needed
to melt a little bit in order to be shaped
well. However, It didn't melt because the weather was cold. So I just had to come back home with a tinge of sadness
Before calibration:
It snowed a lot in Chicago today that I went outside with gloves to make a snowman. I tried making a circle of snow to make a snowman, but it didn't work well. The reason is the snowmen need to melt a little bit in order to make them well. However, It didn't melt because the weather was cold. So I just had to come back home with keeping a tangle of slight sadness.
오늘은 시카고에 눈이 너무 많이 와서 눈사람을 만들어 보려고 장갑을 끼고 밖으로 나갔다.
눈사람을 만들려고 눈을 동그랗게 만들어봤는데 잘 만들어지지 않았다.
눈이 녹아야 잘 만들어지는데 너무 추워서 녹지않았다.
그래서 아쉬움을 뒤로하고 그냥 집으로 돌아와야만 했다.