[Diary] 04/24/2018


I was shocked when my friend in Korea sent me some pictures through the messenger.
I was thinking I should return to Korea there are a lot of foods I miss to eat.
I was jealous because she seemed to be having a happy time with her family.


I was shocked when my friend in Korea sent me some pictures of a messenger.
I figured I should return to Korea because the foods I want to eat are too much.
I was envious because she seemed to be having a happy time with her family.

한국에 있는 지인이 메신져로 어느 사진을 보내줬는데 난 충격을 받았다.
너무나도 먹고싶은 음식들이여서 한국에 가고싶은 생각이 들었다.
그친구는 가족들과 행복한 시간을 보내고 있는 것같아서 부러웠다.