[Diary] 05/22/2018


I talk with my friend on Skype every week to share what I learn in English class.
Today, I shared with her about real life English that I learned a few days ago in the class.
At the beginning, even writing a diary was a little hard for me, but I think I’m getting used to it.
I told her that my English is getting better though. I was very happy that she agreed with me.


I have a weekly conversation with my friend about what we have learned in the meantime to use video call.
Today, I shared with my friend the useful expressions in real life that the English tutor taught me.
At first, even writing a diary was a little hard but it was OK once I got used to it.
I told my friend nowadays my English is getting better a little bit, then she agrees with like that so I was happy.

나는 매주 친구와 화상통화로 그동안 배운것에 대해서 대화를 나누고있다.  
오늘은 그동안 레슨쌤이 알려주셨던 실생활에서 쓰는 유용한 표현에 대해서 공유했다.  
매일 영어로 일기 쓰는것도 처음에는 좀 어려웠는데 익숙해지고 나니까 괜찮아진거같다. 
요즘 내 영어실력이 조금씩 향상되고 있는것을 친구에게 얘기했더니 친구도 그렇것 같다고 얘기해줘서 행복했다.