[Diary] 06/07/2018


My friend said these days she is taking a software development class because she was curious about it.
She was given an assignment and she asked me for help because it was difficult to solve the problem.
I helped her and solved the problem well.
I was proud to help her.


These days, my friend said she taking a software development class because she was curious about it.
She was given an assignment and She asked me for help because it was difficult to solve the problem.
I helped her and could solve the problem well.
I was proud to help her.

친구가 소프트웨어 개발이 궁금하다고 해서 개발수업을 듣고있다고 했다.  
친구에게 과제가 주어졌는데 문제를 풀기가 어려워서 나에게 도움을 요청했다.  
나는 친구를 도와주었고 그 문제를 잘 풀수 있었다.  
친구를 도와주고나니 뿌듯했다.