[Diary] 06/10/2018 [Self introduce]


I’ve been working as a software developer for 10 years.
I like to automate things I do because I think myself is quite lazy, but actually that becomes my motivation to find ways for a convenient life in many areas as well as for my work.
I like to automate the program I work on if that requires repetition.

I work with a lot of questions because I am a curious person.
And one of my strengths is that I like sharing and training for the skills with team members I work with.
I love challenging new things and like working with people with positive team player’s spirit.
I love what I do, and building my career in developing and coding is what I’ve been always pursuing.


I've been working as a software developer for 10years.
I am basically a lazy person trying to automate what I do.
I like to automate with the program if I have to repeat work.
I am a curious person, so I tend to lot of questions but I can easily explain what I know.
I've often felt that the more I learn, the less I feel like I know.
I love developing and dreaming of coding all my life.

저는 소프트웨어 개발자로 10년의 경력을 가지고있습니다.
저는 기본적으로 게으른 사람이기 때문에 제가 하는 일들을 자동화 시켜왔습니다.  
업무적으로도 반복되는 일이 있다면 프로그램으로 자동화하는 것을 좋아합니다.  
저는 호기심이 많기 때문에 질문을 많이 하는 편이고 내가 아는 것에 대해서는 쉽게 설명할 수 있습니다.  
많이 배우면 배울수록 제가 아는 것이 없는것 처럼 느낍니다.  
저는 개발하는 것을 사랑하며 평생 코딩하는것이 꿈입니다.