[Diary] 06/18/2018 [Strengths]

One of my strengths is having excellent analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
I constantly learn new problem solving techniques and technologies as needed.

I was in charge of the gift card project at the previous company.
There was some issue that some customers doubling their points
A critical bug has occurred. I've noticed that the Windows scheduler has been called twice thought my experience, and I have solved the problem by writing an application duplication check logic.

저의 강점은 분석적 사고와 문제 해결 능력이 탁월합니다. 저는 새로운 문제를 해결하면서 새로운 기술을 끊임없이 습득하고있습니다.
지난회사에서 기프트카드 프로젝트를 담당하였는데 일부 고객의 포인트가 2배로 증가하는
크리티컬한 버그가 발생하였습니다. 저는 경험을 통해 윈도우스케쥴러의 호출이 2번 일어났다는것을 발견했고 어플리케이션 중복 체크로직을 작성하여 문제를 해결했던적이 있습니다.

Also, I am a hard worker. I do my best at whatever is assigned to me, and bringing the best solutions is my priority rather than having negative thoughts.
One year ago, I was in charge of web development at a bank card company. One day, a project to develop POS solutions was given to me, so I had to delay my work on adding web development features, which I was responsible for, to get the urgent new project done in two months. I worked with my other two colleagues both days and nights to meet the project deadline. We successfully developed POS solution with C # .NET in time.

그리고 어떠한 일이 맡겨져도 불평하지 않고 그 문제를 해결하는데에 가치를 둡니다. 1년전 뱅크카드 회사에서 웹개발을 담당하고 있던 저에게 POS솔루션 개발이 나에게 떠맡겨 졌었고 저는 담당하고 있던 웹개발의 기능추가를 딜레이시키고 팀원 2명과 함께 2달만에 기본적인 기능이 있는 POS솔루션을 C#.NET으로 성공적으로 개발하였습니다.