[Diary] 07/26/2017

I attended a SW engineer group meeting in Garden Grove.
I met four engineers and talked a lot about Jobs and Careers.
The place was Cham Sut Gol Korean BBQ, It was good beer and beef belly.

Garden Grove에 있는 SW엔지니어그룹모임에 참석했다.
엔지니어 4명이서 만났는데 Jobs and Careers라는 주제로 많은 대화를 나눴다.  
장소는 한국레스토랑인 참숯골이였데 맥주와 소고기가 맛있었다.

Review yesterday's diary :

It's been two years since I have seen my sister's daughter DaAi.
And after I came to America, my sister had MinSeok.
So I have met DaAi but have only seen Minseok's pictures from my sister.
Oh god, I want to see my lovely nieces too.