[Diary] 08/01/2017

I went to go to PV after work today.
I was happy when I opened the windows and felt the wind of the sea.
It is good to be able to drive the beach after work like this.

오늘은 퇴근하고 PV에 드라이브를 하러 갔다.
창문을 모두 열고 바다 바람을 느꼈을 때 행복했다.
이렇게 일끝나고 바닷가 드라이브를 할 수 있는 것이 좋다.

Review yesterday's diary:

I had to work overtime today because I had to have a 
meeting with our employees at the Korean branch.
5:00 p.m. here is 8:00 a.m. in Korean time.
I usually get off work at 5 o'clock.