[Diary] 08/07/2017

I'm practicing violin these days while suddenly the bridge is bent.
So I left it to the violin shop, and the repairs cost over than $ 200.
The repair period can take up to three days.
I look forward to good sound coming out.

요즘 바이올린을 연습하고 있는데 갑지기 브릿지가 휘어졌다.
그래서 바이올린 샵에 맡겼는데 수리비가 200불넘게 나왔다.
수리기간은 3일정도 소요된다고 한다.
잘 수리되어서 좋은 소리가 나오기를 기대해 본다.

Review yesterday's diary:

Today I went to a church that my colleague introduced.
The choir sang before worship and it was so beautiful.
I think everyone is great because they work hard both church and work.