[Diary] 08/18/2017

My friends in Korea have contacted me to hear that they perform next month.
When I lived in Korea, I played an amateur orchestras with my friends.
Thanks for telling me that my friends wanted to see me, and I miss them too.

한국에 있는 친구들이 오케스트라 공연을 다음달에 한다고 연락왔다.  
한국에 살았을때 친구들과 함께 아마추어 오케스트라 활동을 했었다.  
나를 보고싶다고 해주어서 너무 고마웠고 나도 친구들이 너무 보고싶다.  

Review yesterday's diary :

I have a lot of overtime these days.
I felt lonely when I got back to my place and found that no one was there.
I will start yoga next week.