[Diary] 08/25/2017

My hairstyle is hair straightening.
So it looks dirty if i don't cut my hair short or perm
I usually go to the hair salon once a month.
So today I had a perm in a hair salon in Gardina.

나의 헤어스타일은 머리카락이 옆으로 퍼지는 직모이다.  
그래서 머리를 짧게 자르거나 파마하지 않으면 지저분해 보인다.  
나는 보통 한달에 한번 미용실에 간다.  
그래서 오늘은 가디나에 있는 미용실에서 파마를 했다.  

Review yesterday's diary :

These days, when I listen to classical music, I want to play the violin better.

Today, I heard a song called "Waltz of the Flowers" as a string quartet.

So I went home and practiced violin, but I was still not good at tone and rhythm.

It didn't work out as I thought. (or It didn't work out the way I expected)

I need violin lessons.

I will start lessons from next week.